Te Ara Whakamana
Te Ara Whakamana - The Mana Enhancement Model
Arahoe School adopted Te Ara Whakamana - The Mana Enhancement Model in 2017 and has continued to provide the model as a culturally responsive and centered framework, therefore ensuring that all students at Arahoe thrive in recognising their uniqueness.
Te Ara Whakamana is a circular model that uses “. . . cultural metaphors as powerful tools to connect individuals to their mana, their sources of strength and their world” (Ako Solutionz 2016). In the process, teachers, students and whanau (families) connect through co-constructive conversations that empower our students and teachers in understanding individual uniqueness, values, and talents and how best to tap into this.
As a diverse multi-ethnic school we are actioning culturally responsive pedagogy through this model thus honouring our families, our obligation to the Treaty of Waitangi, our bi-cultural status as a nation and the many qualities that Maori narratives offer us and our learning.
To find out more about Te Ara Whakamana - The Mana Enhancement Model please visit Ako Solutionz here.
Arahoe School Mana Model
Our Unique Strengths and Foundations: